Rockin' Green Soap is a company that only uses bio-degradable, eco-friendly ingredients, and 100% natural scents which are better for your skin, and the planet. Unlike most companies, Rockin' Green doesn't take the same "one-size fits all" approach. Rockin Green' has 3 custom designed formulas based around a rock theme: Soft Rock, Classic Rock, and Hard Rock so no matter what laundry woes you may have, Rockin' Green has you covered. Rockin' Green Soap is safe for cloth diapers, and regular laundry too. Rockin' Green has a variety of scents that are also based around a rock theme, and they sell many accessories too!
We chose the Smashing Watermelons scent, the Funk Rock formula, and the Motley Clean scent to review. We chose the Hard Rock formula because of the water type in Arizona. If you're not sure what type of water your area has, there is a color-coded (based on the 3 custom designed formulas) map of the US on the Rockin' Green website that can help you figure out which formula is right for your household. Funk Rock is a new formula that is specially designed for ammonia, and other lingering "stinkies". This is great for cloth diapers with ammonia build-up, or cleaning up a pets indoor "accident".
I give the Rockin' Green Soap 4/5 stars!
I am very confident using the Rockin' Green Soap on Isaac's cloth diapers. I know that it won't ruin them, since it's cloth diaper safe, but more importantly, I know that Isaac's sensitive skin won't be irritated since Rockin' Green Soap is 100% natural. There are no harsh, or toxic chemicals to be weary of. The Smashing Watermelons is my favorite scent, it's very juicy, and perfect for summer! The Motley Clean scent smells like clean cloths fresh out of the dryer, minus the harmful dryer sheets! I think it will take a few more overnight soaks to fully remove the ammonia build-up from Isaac's cloth diapers, but the smell wasn't as nose burning as it was prior to our wash with the Funk Rock formula. I would personally like to see the Funk Rock formula available in the same scents that the other formulas are available in. It smelt a little bland, but got the job done which is all that matters in the end!
Buy it:
You can purchase a 45/90 bag of Rockin' Green Soap for $15.95.
Win it:
Rockin' Green has generously offered to give 1 lucky follower a 45/90 bag of Rockin' Green Soap in the formula, and scent of their choice! Thank you Rockin' Green!
Please refer to this blog's GIVEAWAY RULES before participating!
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- GFC follow my husband's blog From the Father's View. Please leave a comment below with your GFC name. *
- Please leave a comment below letting me know which formula, and scent you will choose if you are the winner. *
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+1 comment entry daily: Tweet about this giveaway: #win a 45/90 @RockinGreenSoap bag choice of formula/scent from @adrisannac #giveaway #clothdiapers (Ends 12 Oct. 11) <= include a direct link to this giveaway's post before the arrow for this entry to count. Please leave a comment below with the permalink to your tweet, as well as the date of your tweet.
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+6 comment entries: Sign up for Shop It To Me, and get a FREE $10 gift certificate! Must be a new sign up for these entries to count. Please leave a comment below with the e-mail address (in the your {at} e-mail {dot} here format to prevent spam!) that you signed up with.
+1 comment entry per giveaway: Enter any other active giveaways on my blog, or my husband's blog. Please leave a comment below with the name of the other giveaway(s) entered, and the name that the giveaway was entered under.
We received 1 sample of Rockin' Green soaps Smashing Watermelons scent, Funk Rock formula, and Motley Clean scent to facilitate this review. No other compensation was received, and this post's content was not influenced. All opinions expressed are my own, and my opinions, and experiences with the Rockin' Green Soaps might differ from your own. If you have any questions, or concerns regarding this product, please refer to the company website for more information.

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I would choose classic rock in earth wind and orchids
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GFC follower a Felicia R
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I would choose Earth, Wind & Orchids in classic rock
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I would get classic in rage against the raspberries.
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I follow you via GFC - Breanne
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I would choose the classic formula in Smashing Watermelons
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I would pick classic rock in smashing watermelon
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I would choose Hard Rock formula in Bare Naked Babies.
vnsscarv {At} gmail {Dot} com
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